Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So today started the road back to Maine. We started off by making a special trip to the Ural Headquarters in Richmond, Washington. We were kindly greeted at the door by Madina, offered something to drink, asked us how the trip/Ural was doing, and kindly offered their services to check out the bike. They are one of the primary reasons I bought that bike. I could really tell they cared for the customer, and how the bike was performing. I also met the owner, Illya, and Jason, Sergy(I think, and a couple of people who's names I unfortunately forget)

Wow did they make things better after. When you ride every day, it's like you almost don't notice the slow slipping of things, like clutch cables! I didn't notice everything they did but wow did they make an improvement in performance for the rig. So, for the crew in Redmond(Ural)my heartfelt thanks goes out to you all for everything. Another special thanks goes to Dave Hooker(AKA Mr Cob) for helping line this up for me, and meeting me and the family for breakfast in Stanwood. I wish there was more time to see Washington, but I hear Maine calling me.

I think all companies can learn a thing or two from Ural. Thanks
Sent from my iPhone

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